Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How the iPad can improve a book report assignment.

From the http://ipadders.eu blog.

Upon hearing that they will have to read another book students usually roll their eyes and moan in disagreement. So to make the reading process more fun for them we let them chose their own book and their own creative assignment.


There are three parts to the book report: A, summary, B character analysis, C creative assignment. Parts A and B are the same for everyone and resemble ”traditional” book report assignments. To rev up our students enthusiasm we have collected a list of 22 creative assignments to include in their book reports for part C.

Below you can see the list of assignments. For each assignments I’ve added suggestions of apps that will help the students. The assignments don’t have to be made digitally but most of them easily can be and will make the execution of their book reports more fun.

For each of the assignments students will need to make sure that their piece of work shows that:
  • They have read the book
  • Thought deeply & reflected on the book
  • Have understood the assignment
1. If a journey was involved, draw a map with explanatory notes of significant places. (Google Earth, Notability, Showme)


2. Dramatize a scene from the book. Write a script and have several rehearsals before performing it to the class or recording it. Include stage directions in your script. (Screenplay, iMoviePuppet Pals)

3. Lead a small group discussion with other readers of the same book. Focus on a specific topic and report your group’s conclusion to the class. (Notability)

4. Find a song or a poem that relates to the theme or events of your book. Explain the similarities. (Pages, Keynote)

5. Make a travel leaflet inviting tourists to visit the setting of the book. What types of activities would there be for them to attend etc. (Pages, Lonely Planet)

6. Write a letter to the main character of the book. Write the letter he or she sends back. (Pages)

7. Use thewallmachine.com to make a fake facebook page of a main character in the book.

8. Make a comic with photos of yourself acting out important scenes from the book. (Stripdesigner)


9. Design and make the front page of a newspaper writing articles, designing adverts based on the character and events of the book. (Pages)

10. Write a song for your story. (extra marks if performed in class) (Garageband)

11. Write a poem (or poems) related to characters or events in the book. (Wolfram Alpha, PagesVerses notebook + rhyming dictionary)

12. Create a storyboard for a section of the book. Decide on camera shots etc. Remember to explain the plot and also why a particular camera angle was chosen. (Storyboard Composer, StripdesignerStoryboards Premium)

13. Find the top 10 web sites a character in your book would most frequently visit. Include an explanation of why each would be of interest. Add screenshots of the websites to explain. (NotabilityPages)

14. Create a board game based on events and characters in the book you read. By playing.your game, members of the class should learn what happened in the book. Your game must include the following: a game board, a rule sheet and clear directions, events and characters from the story. (Poppletlovely charts)

15. Construct a diorama (three-dimensional scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals) of one of the main events of the book. Include a written description of the scene. (no app here. Get dirty with paper, colored pens and glue!)

16. Imagine that you are about to make a feature-length film of the novel you read. You have been instructed to select your cast from members of your class and/or teachers. Cast all the major characters in your novel from your English classmates and explain why you selected eachperson for a given part.  (NotabilityPagesiMovie)

17. Plan a party for the characters in the book you read. In order to do this, complete each of the following tasks: (a) Design an invitation to the party which would appeal to all of the characters. (b) Imagine that you are five of the characters in the book and tell what each would wear to the party. (c) Tell what food you would serve and why. (d) Tell what games or entertainment you will provide and why your choices are appropriate. (e) Tell how three of the characters will act at the party. (f) What kind of a party is this? (birthday, housewarming, birthday, anniversary, etc.)  (NotabilityPagesiMovie)

18. Make a collage that represents major characters and events in the book you read. Use pictures and words cut from magazines in your collage. Include, on separate paper an explanation of some of your choices. (Photo Wall Pro, Pic Collage Pages)

19. Make an audiobook of one of the chapters of the book complete with background music and sound effects. Have different voices for different characters. (Garageband)

20. Record a video interview with a character from your book. Ask at least ten questions that will give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. (Reel director,  iMovie)

21. Make a trailer for your movie version of the book. (Reel director,  iMovie)

22. Write an alternative ending for the book. (Pages, Book Creator)

23. Make a silent movie of the story. The audience needs to understand the storyline without sound. (Silent Movie Maker)

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